Salted Caramel Pecan Fizz



  • 2 oz. Caryopsis vodka

  • 3-4 bar spoons salted caramel sauce *

  • 4 dashes fee foam (or 1 egg white)

  • 2 - 3 oz. fresh clementine juice

  • 3-4 drops chocolate bitters (I used Fee brothers Aztec chocolate bitters)

  • Bubble water

  • Optional grated nutmeg

    • Recipe in sauces, Ice-creams, Simple syrups, Batters, & Garnishes


our the pecan salted caramel syrup, vodka, Fee Foam (or egg white),clementine juice and bitters into a cocktail shaker. Shake hard for 30 secs to add volume to the Fee Foam (or egg white). Add some ice and shake again for a further 15 secs, then strain into fizz glass. Add bubble water (carefully!). Garnish with grated fresh nutmeg to taste.